Let look into several command that you should execute when formatting disk. Wait, won’t it be easy using Computer Management snap in to format a disk.
Well, you’re right but…you will not have Computer Management when Hyper V host machine is install with Server Core version.
Hope this command come to handy when you format a disk either local or iSCSI LUN presented to Hyper V host.
1. Execute Diskpart command.
2. Execute List Disk to view the disk available on the Hyper V machine
DISKPART > List disk
3. We are going to format disk 3. Execute select disk 3 to select disk 3.
DISKPART > Select disk 3
DISKPART > List disk
* indicated disk 3 is selected.
4. If the disk status is offline. Type
DISKPART > online disk
5. View the attribute of the disk. Make sure the disk read-only is not set to Yes.
DISKPART > attribute disk
If mark as Read-Only. Key in below command:
DISKPART > attribute disk clear readonly
6. Create primary partition using the entire disk volume.
DISKPART > create partition primary
DISKPART > list partition
7. Assign a drive letter
DISKPART > Assign letter =K
8. Quick format a disk with NTFS file format
DISKPART > format fs=ntfs quick