Moving VM’s from one storage location to another
1. Create a full backup of VM before proceeding
2. Create the same folder on storage location you are moving to.
3. Power Off Virtual Machine
4. Move to the “/vmfs/volumes/” directory
5. Run command
a. vmkfstools –i (location of VM Server) (location to put VM Server)
b. vmkfstools –i `pwd`/storage#/(VM Folder)/(VM Server Name).vmdk `pwd`/storage#/(VM Folder)/VM Server Name).vmdk
6. Copy vmx File
a. cp (VM Server Location File) (VM Server ending location)
7. Remove VM From Inventory
8. Go to Configuration on Server Open the storage location VM moved to right click on vmx file and add to inventory.
9. Power on the VM
10. Remove files once ran a couple days in new location.